Hvordan forbedre din personlige økonomi?

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Det er mye man kan gjøre for å forbedre sin egen personlige økonomi. I denne artikkelen skal vi gå nærmere inn på hva det er du kan gjøre for å virkelig spare penger og være smart med pengene dine. Vi håper du finner noen tips du kan bruke og benytte deg av. Vi vil jo bare hjelpe litt!

Lag et budsjett - Hvordan forbedre din personlige økonomi?

Lag et budsjett

This is one of the most important things you can do for your own personal finances. You choose how you want to make this budget, but you may want to do it in a way so that you can check if you are actually spending what you think you are spending.

Creating a budget will also allow you to see how much money you can actually save if you try. It is also advantageous to create a budget if, for example, you are going to buy a house or the like. Then you can get an overview of how much you should save, in case you have a deadline!

Fa oversikt over hva du bruker penger pa - Hvordan forbedre din personlige økonomi?

Get an overview of what you spend money on

If you have watched programs like «Luksusfellen» and «I lomma på Silje», you will quickly realize that many of us have very bad habits. Getting an overview of what it is you are spending money on is incredibly important. Only then can you start saving money. Do you really need 20 bottles of Pepsi Max every week, or do you really need to drink coffee outside every single day? These are simple things that you can cut out, but that will save you a lot of money.

The same applies, for example, to power services. Many of us have fallen into the trap of paying for multiple power services at once. Often only one of them is used. Therefore, we recommend that you subscribe to one power service at a time. Even if 100 kroner here and 100 kroner there does not work so much, there will be large sums in the long run.

Invester i produkter som varer - Hvordan forbedre din personlige økonomi?

Invest in products that last

It can be tempting to go to the local clothing store and just buy everything they have for sale. If you change your mindset here, you have also already saved a lot of money. This is because you can invest in the garments you actually need. Instead of having ten jackets for 200 kroner, you can buy a jacket for 2000 kroner. Most likely this is made of better material and lasts longer. This leads to you having a garment for a long, long time. This also means that you have time to save up for a new, similar garment in the future.

This also applies to other types of products, such as electronics, jewelry, etc. Pay more for something you like, instead of spending a little on things that are halfway nice.

What are your top tips for improving your personal finances?